========================================== Base Classes for MCMC Methods ========================================== This module provides abstract base classes for our SGMCMC sampling methods. All subclasses inheriting from any of these base classes automatically conform to the `iterator protocol `_. This means that extracting the next sample with corresponding costs from *any of our samplers* is as simple as: .. code-block:: python sample, cost = next(sampler) .. module:: mcmc_base_classes .. autoclass:: MCMCSampler :members: :special-members: :private-members: For some applications (e.g. `Bayesian Optimization `_), it is important that samplers come with as few design choices as possible. To reduce the number of such design choices, a recent contribution in the literature proposes an on-line *burn-in* procedure. .. XXX: Give reference to bohamiann paper and explain burn-in some more .. autoclass:: BurnInMCMCSampler :members: :show-inheritance: :special-members: :private-members: